Roof Insurance Claim Process Explained In 5 Easy Steps


While a roof is meant to protect your home from the elements sometimes it can suffer damages from severe weather. This is why insurance is a big part of the roofing industry. Most times when you think of an insurance claim it seems daunting. You have to worry about determining whether or not your roof has sufficient damage, meeting with insurance adjusters, and making sure they cover all the damages.

In this post, we will talk about the process of going through an insurance claim for storm damage on your roof. 

Step 1: Evaluate your roof

Your home is your most valuable asset and your roof is meant to protect it. You should have your roof inspected at least once a year for any damages that could be compromising your roofing system. Severe weather comes in many forms including hail and strong winds. Storm damage can lessen the life of your roof and cause leaks that impact your home’s interiors causing further damage. So if you have experienced severe weather on your home we strongly encourage you to get a roof inspection.

An experienced contractor will know what to look for when it comes to storm damage.

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After a thorough inspection, we will provide you with photos and an explanation regarding the scope of the damage determining whether or not you should follow through with a claim. 

Step 2: Filing a Claim 

If there is significant damage we will recommend that you call your insurance provider and file a damage claim. Your insurance provider will then schedule an insurance adjuster to inspect the damages. This is so that your insurance provider can document the damages and assess it themselves determining the amount of damage they will cover.  The adjuster is the person determining what gets paid for. We will ask that you provide us with the date of the adjuster appointment. This is so that we can be there alongside the adjuster to ensure that they don't miss anything we spotted.

Step 3: Adjuster Summary 

A few days after the adjuster evaluates the damage you should receive a summary of the work they are covering and your first check for the ACV (actual cash value). Again we will ask that you provide with the adjuster summary so we can review it and see if there is anything they didn't cover. 

Step 4: Work Agreement

After receiving the adjuster summary and ACV check we will ask that you schedule some time for us to come and meet so we can help you design the best roof for your home. We will go over the work scope, materials used, warranties and scheduling for your new roof. We ask for the ACV check as an initial deposit (The ACV check may require endorsement by your mortgage company) this is to cover the cost materials. Once we complete the work we will send an invoice to your insurance provider verifying that your roofing project was completed in order for you to receive the depreciation check

Step 5: Paying your roofer

Once you receive the depreciation check we will collect it as payment for the completion of the project. You are to pay for your deductible. By law, we cannot waive your deductible.

Enjoy your new roof!

The process may seem complicated and intimidating but we are here to help. We aim to make this process as easy and stress-free as possible. If you need to file a claim and get your roof replaced Optimum Roofing Company will work with you throughout the entire roof insurance claim process. Simply schedule an appointment to have us take a look at your roof.